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Newbie Would Like Help Chosing A Scope :)

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Hi, I've just joined this website...:D

I've always been interested in astronomy, but have only really just started to do something about it. I've been using 10x50 binoculars to see constellations and the moon, and I'd love to start using a telescope.

I've been trying to learn as much as I can before I think about buying one, so I know some basics, but everyone I've talked to has suggested different things each time. (From Meade ETX-70 refractor to Skywatcher 6" Dobsonian - a little bewildering for someone who doesn't understand it all yet!)


I'm most excited about seeing planets, galaxies and nebulae - I don't think that 'normal' stars would hold my interest for long; things like the pleiades might, though.

I won't be able to lift anything too heavy.

Is GoTo necessary? I would like to try and learn my way around the sky without this, but will I need it really?

Is having a mount that tracks objects/an eq that allows you to do it easily by hand actually help a whole lot? Is nudging it to keep something in view really that difficult/annoying?

So...what would you suggest?

I'd love any other pointers you have, too.

Thank you! :headbang:

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You don't need goto, you can get a lot of satisfaction form finding things yourself.

A dob is an inexpensive way of getting a large aperture. The bigger you get, the better your views.

Tracking is a must if you want to eek the last bit of detail out of planets. Those finer moments of seeing are fleeting and far apart. You need to be patient waiting for them. 'Nudgers' miss out on that because they are constantly fiddling with the scope instead of relaxing.

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Hi Juliette...

Any advice I give you must take with a pinch of salt as I've only been on here for 5minutes myself :-)

I'm pretty sure the 150p dobson would suit your needs, its manual, push to and all the money has been spent on the scope rather than a flashy mount.

its pretty big but when split from the mount fairly manageable.

Try to find a local club to check some Scopes out in person.

I'm sure you will find what you need from the peeps here or at a club

The 150 dob is about £200

Less than the Meade 70 which would show Jupiter as a 1mm tiny dot whereas in the dob its about twice the size.

Good luck and welcome

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welcome to SGl I use goto all the time except when I go to a starparty and look through somebody's dob it takes me about 2-mins to get used to nudging a scope it really isn't rocket science.

The general rule is get the biggest scope that you can manage if your budget is limited this tends to be a dobsonion scope as they give the best views for the money. Think of it like this a scope's price is cut into 3 slices optics, mount and electronics a goto mount takes a bigger slice out for electrics, an eq mount takes a bigger slice out for the mount a dob takes it's biggest slice out on the optics. Yes the mount is only a wooden box but it works therefore more of your cost of the scope gets spent on optics as the dob has no electrics here is the same scope on 3 mounts

First Light Optics - Skywatcher Heritage 130p Flextube a dob

First Light Optics - Skywatcher Explorer 130P

an eq scope

First Light Optics - Skywatcher Explorer 130P SynScan AZ GOTO


all of these scopes are essentially the same just on a different mount the cash difference becomes even greater as you move up in size.

Somebody mentioned this one

First Light Optics - Skywatcher Skyliner 150P Dobsonian

Its much better optically than the etx 70 maybe a little less portable as it is a lot bigger but there isn't much point having electronics that point you to a bit of sky too dim for small optics. Bigger scopes see more that's why we have them.

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There is no perfect scope for everything. If I had to choose the best type to cover planets, nebulas and galaxies, I think I would go for a reflector whether a Dob or EQ mounted is a personal choice really. EQ mounted obviously cost a bit more. You get the most aperture for your money with a Dobsonian. I toyed with the idea of buying a goto scope, but I was told the cheaper goto scopes can be more trouble than they are worth. I am no expert on scopes smaller than 130mm (reflector) The 150 SW Dob has some great write ups. Good luck with your choice. SGL members have a wealth of info regarding anything you may need help with. Good luck.

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No idea where you are, Earth isn't that helpful. Would suggest a visit or two to a club and have a look at what is in use. Equally people in clubs often bring along their biggest scope.

What budget are you considering and how big is a large scope, in weight or dimension to you.

Goto isn't necessary, but is useful, once you have passed the hurdle of setting one up. You will learn the sky with a goto, strangely you will learn it quick as at the setup stage yopu may have to tell it which stars to align with. So before you even use the scope you may have to learn a few bits.

ETX-70's are mnot made any more, stopped a few years back. ETX-80 are the model.

A 150PL dobsonian would be possibly good if it is small enough for you. After that I would suggest an 80mm refractor, somewhat smaller but a reasonable all round scope.

I don't like the ST80, too short so there is colour on bright objects, and the Opticscope AR80 is tube only, you would need the diagonal, a couple of eyepieces and a mount.

If the size was OK then perhaps the Evostar 90mm. It can be purchased on a mount, so a more complete package.

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Would suggest a visit or two to a club and have a look at what is in use. Equally people in clubs often bring along their biggest scope.

What budget are you considering and how big is a large scope, in weight or dimension to you.

I've been going to my nearest club, and all of the obseerving sessions so far have been cloudy!

I have up to £500 for everything.

I'm a short teen girl, so even medium-sized is probably huge.

Thanks again :D

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