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sky wacher 127 synscan az goto

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hi all again can any one give me some help with this when i set up for the two star alignment i use Polaris in the north and Betelgeuse in the south get them in the center of the EP 10 mil says aliment successfully great next if i go to planets it no were near or a different star it says off by 0.15 an so on my lat is so i input 52.32 my long is so i input 001.55 no day light saving its all level any ideas what I'm doing wrong also i have noticed the mount is starting to go slower at certain points as it slews round :)

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I don't have this set up but do use the synscan goto on my dob.

What are you using to power the scope? If it's a portable source does it have enough power - I only say that because you mention it slowing down.

Some things you could try after making sure you have enough power;

1) After completing alignment select an object to slew to. If it misses select the star align object and see if it successfully slews back to it (i.e choose Betelguese again).

2) Note the starting co-ordinates shown on the handset for Betelguese (or any other star you like) and use the handset direction keys to slew to another object. Slew back to the starting point until the handset displays the starting co-ordinates for the star you started from. Now in the eyepiece, is the object in the centre, if the motor is moving as it should then Betelguese should be back in the centre of the eyepiece?

These might flag up a problem with the motors, it will show you if they are not moving accurately.

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the power is from a 240 supply so its all good the motor just seem to go slow in a certain position then pick up speed again so it makes me think there is a problem with the motor the scope is brand new only a month old P's i will try a different star see how that goes

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I found that when I put a star in the centre of say a 32mm, when switching to a 20 or 15mm that it wasn't actually in the centre. I therefore align in various stages, until I get the star in the centre of a high power eyepiece. I use stars that move across the sky a bit.

However, synscan is more accurate for the area of the sky you have set up in. So swinging from aldebaran to castor, for me, is a tiny bit out, but using Dubhe or Polaris is miles out. So I set up close together, then use a star in each sector and PAE it to make it a better map of the sky.

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I use Polaris as my first star to align most nights and its fine. In my experience the second star should be between 60-90 degrees away in the Az and of a similar Alt. This gives me the best results.

As Goose said use your EPs incrementally from low to high mag, and then PAE on several targets to increase the accuracy. When i do this accuracy seems to get better throughout the night. Work your way over to the Planets like this and i think you'll be fine.

To be honest though - I only align to the finder anyway. Im assuming your're not imaging and your finderscope is aligned to the scope. Once i'm in the general locality i use a star map to guage exactly where faint objects should be and then increase the mag appropriately.

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the power is from a 240 supply so its all good the motor just seem to go slow in a certain position then pick up speed again so it makes me think there is a problem with the motor

I had a similar problem with azimuth movement. I had to have the mount replaced. It seems to be a common fault with this mount.

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I am sure you have them correct but check you have 001.55W and 52.32N as the pole point also needs to be right. My mount runs off a 12v power pack and often decides to go at different speeds but it always seems to get there in the end. Also, are you using the built in bubble to level the mount or a spirit level? The built in one is hard to see and I have found a spirit level used across the tray at various angles is far easier and much more accurate to get a perfect set up.

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Thanks Dave and Brucen i do use a level not the bubble i do have 001.55W and 52.32 N put in also i don't use the finder scope i use a RDF i will try again but on the subject of the mount i think i will give Sherwood's a call and see if they will replace it started off fine but just seems to be getting slower and slower

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Don't worry - yet - about the speed. I have the same 'scope and mount, and mine too changes pace as it slews, but this doesn't affect anything. I agree with Cornelius, that you should pick a different star to Polaris, and ideally do a three-star alignment. If you're level and you've put in good data then something like Jupiter - Betelgeuse - Dubhe should cover all the angles. I get rock-solid tracking and very accurate goto from mine.

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Ok - you may have a problem, but without having it here to look at, it's hard to tell - as I say, its slewing speed varies. The 'brightest' option should give you a three-star alignment.

I always use the brightest star option now as I find it both easier and more accurate.

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