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Ho no, not another 'My Observatory Build' thread

earth titan

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Well there we go then.

In the new shed (obsy) and waiting for dark. Clear skies tonight so far and forecast for at least until v. late.

What a joy. Set up in five minutes.

Intermittent WIFI, possibly a repeater or new router needed, but hey.....


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Cheers folks. Got 1st light though a little cloudy and misty. Mars and Saturn only really, as it wasn't really clear skies. Neighbour has a bonfire smouldering, which is rather offputting so gonna pull the roof over and call it a night.

Will time it ;)

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Starting to get the insides sorted now.

Still got a floor to go in, but the aim was always to get the obsy working as a priority so the floor can wait a few more weeks.

Pier painted, electrics in and cable 'tidied' up. Internet connection sorted courtesy of an electrical mains transmission thingy box..... Seems to work.

As you can see, I stuck with the original design to keep the footprint in the SWMBO stated limits and hence no warm room.

Scope shown is my 80mm Revelation refractor. It takes minutes to pop the other scopes on. Such a pleasant change.


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Couple of updates now I've been using the obsy for a couple of sessions:

I've noticed a few of the 'matching' boards used for cladding have moved as the structure settles. This has resulted in a few gaps but nothing serious. I've gone round and added a few more uprights to better secure the cladding and will monitor the situation. My guess is the matchings were wet (there's a surprise) when delivered and have now dried out.

I have added mains lighting.

A tame sparky (the old man) came round to fix a permanent supply to the obsy via an RCD supply.

Second coat of stain has gone on.

The leak I had has now been fixed. Water was 'wicking' along a screw used to secure a batton used as trim on the felt. I have modified the felt to create a 'drip' off rather than lipped it under.

Added some internal guides for the ROR wheels as they came perilously close to the edge of the frame on one or two occasions.


Overall the obsy has made astronomy a pleasure again. As my main interest is now moving toward AP, the set up times were awful but now it is minutes.

Still got a floor to go in but this can wait a week or so until I've done some family jobs... I've got a horrendous few weeks coming up for work then a well earned holiday, so will worry about it when I get home.

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