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My new Grab and Go kit


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Finally got my new Grab and Go kit ordered at Astrofest from Ian King Imaging. The telescope is a William Optics (WO) FLT-98 APO refractor (f6.3) with DDG focuser, WO 2 inch Carbon Fibre Dielectric Diagonal with WO Red Dot Finder. This equipment is attached to a Vixen Porta ii Mount.

Now all I need is a free night at home with clear skies to try this equipment out:)

While opening the boxes for the first time, some stuff escaped. Later on I found out this was the 'Box of Clouds' that comes free with every new purchase, you can blame me if you viewing session has been cut short recently:D




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Weekend is out of the question, got to visit the Mother in Law:( She will probably have a few jobs for me to do? It would be nice if Monday is clear, would have a chance to see Mars at its closest approach this year, even with a nearly full moon?


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Hi Mark,

The Binoviewers have not turned up yet:mad: Ian King says the will arrive shortly, how long that is is any ones guess? It took over two weeks for the rest of the gear to arrive at my house after putting the order in at Astrofest. Hope to go out tomorrow night if the weather holds out, look at Mars as it will be closest approach even with a bright moon around.

Surprised, the wife has not said anything about the new gear yet as she took the parcels in!


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Can I try it out before amybody asks about the scope:D I think she has given up asking me about telescopes and other astronomy equipment. All I have to mention is shoes and hand bags, that gets her going!


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Telescope had its first outing tonight, very crisp and clear objects were viewed using a Pentax XW 14mm eye piece. Only real downside was the Vixen Porta ii Mount, the wind made the telescope rock a bit, so looking at Mars was difficult until the rocking stopped. Think I saw my first ice cap:)

Will try the scope out again once the moon is out of the way, maybe the weekend of the 17th/18th?


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