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Frustrating to say the least..


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Around 4pm this afternoon, the Sun decided to poke it's head out. The clouds looked to be clearing and a sneaky thought popped in my head. If i sort the kids dinner out early and make sure they are up-to-date with the usual after school bits and bobs, I might get out before dark (to set up) and have a couple of hours.

'Why not' said Mrs The Wife. Well, yes why not indeed. However, i forgot that I hadn't had a chance to eat, plus i remembered that i'm up at 4am tomorrow and i know that once i get out in the field, my self-discipline stays at home and the clock doesn't get looked at. So instead, i settled for a 'bino' exploration in the garden, just to learn a bit more of whats where, and where's what. Needless to say, it's now 10pm, I still got to get up at 4, and I still haven't had dinner.......

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In this hobby, you have to take advantage of the clear skies when you can. If that means no sleep and no eats, then sobeit.

If the consequences are losing your job and the break-up of your marriage then we just have to accept that as well!

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