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Bright stars = faint line across field of view

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Hi, noticed that no matter what EP when i look at *bright* (Castor and brighter) stars I get a faint line of light across the field of view that passes through the star. Fainter stars don't do this. If I turn the diagonal on the visual back it turns with the diagonal - I think - need to investigate more.

This mean the diagonal is causing this? Worse with white stars like Rigel. Aldebaran and Betelguese not so bad.

Any ideas guys? Is this right? Not a show stopper but mildly annoying.

Thanks, Steve

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Turn the EP inside the diagonal and see if the line moves. Then you will know if it is the EP or diagonal.

Cause of this?

Possibley a bit of grease or a smudge of some sort.

Thanks Paul. I have tried turning the EP inside the diagonal. When I do that the line does not move. So cannot be the EP's (also happens with all EP's so its teh scope or the diagonal). Could it be a smudge on the corrector causing it (although i cannot see any such smudge.....)

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It shouldn't be possible to see such an effect from a Schmidt-Cassegrain scope. Try using the eyepiece in the visual back without the diagonal. If the diagonal was a roof prism type like the 45 degree ones, there would be a line through a bright star caused by diffraction from the roof.

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It shouldn't be possible to see such an effect from a Schmidt-Cassegrain scope. Try using the eyepiece in the visual back without the diagonal. If the diagonal was a roof prism type like the 45 degree ones, there would be a line through a bright star caused by diffraction from the roof.

Yes, that makes sense Peter - but what to do about it though ?

Rgds, Steve

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Steve. That quick test suggestion was to identify whether the fault was in the diagonal. If it is, then it must be a scratch or spider web or hair in it, the eyepiece will only show what it can focus on. If possible, try another diagonal for comparison.

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