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It's only a little one


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Sorting out the laptop and found a forgotten AVI from about a week ago.

I remember looking through the ED80 rather than the big scope for a change and thinking that I could see (or thought I could see) more detail on Jupiter than usual.

Did a quick AVI and processed it in both Registax 3 and 4. It seemed to come out better in the former. No re-sizing in either version, just left it as it is. Given the obvious limitations, it's better than I expected.

Also a quick fiddle in Paint Shop Pro.

In common with lots of folks haven't been able to get outside since.


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Compact and Bijuo Geoff. All good things come in small parcels.

Thats a very purty little picture of our giant friend.

I bet there are a lot of images that could see the light of day, if this horrible weather persists. Lots more must still be in the process pending bin for times such as these.

Ron. :wink:

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