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First sight of Saturn


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Just had my first sight of Saturn, I wont try to describe how I feel as words just wont do it justice. Those of you who have seen Saturn with your own eyes will know what I mean, those of you who havent please do as soon as you can as everyone should see and feel what I just experienced.


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i have just seen it over at my fathers house and OMG its amazing, its strange how it looks like its CGI'ed i have seen pictures but i assumed that it looked that way because the stacking prosses

but OMG amazing now just need to get my lifecam up and running or find a toucam

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HI There,

The first time saw Saturn telescopically was back in 1971 with a very inferior 40mm refractor.The planet was close to the Pleiades and the rings were fully open.The image was awfal due to the poor optics but that first sight of Saturn has always stayed with me even though Ive been seeing the planet with good quality telescopes over many years.

Regards Les.

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I too saw Saturn for the first time this morning. Woke up at 2am and looked out of the window to clear skies, so couldn't wait to get outside and set up.

I've recently migrated from an iPhone to Android so was using Google Sky Map on my phone. I spent about an hour searching for Saturn in the place is was pointing me to, but I just couldn't find it. I was beginning to doubt myself and the quality of my scope, thinking that maybe I just wouldn't have the magnification to see it properly. Then I thought I'd check another App on my phone, Star Chart, and I'm so glad I did as it pointed me right to Saturn. Google Sky Map was way out, pointing high to the South East instead of low to the South!

Anyway, when I finally laid eyes on it, it was such a wonderful moment. I was even pleasantly surprised as I had to view through a load of tree branches but it didn't really seem to matter.

I've got a week off work now, so I'm hoping we get a few clear nights so I can get outside again. Plus, I've got a 10mm Baader Hyperion on order from FLO that I'm looking forward to trying out.

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We had a brilliant night spent entirely on Saturn. Got home at 3am and we set up and got straight to it. next to spica saturn was shining strong and brilliant. very easy target and beautiful pair they make. the missus had never seen saturn so I started small with the 25mm and slowly increased power to 12.5mm. this was her first audible wow. hehe. It looked sharp and magical. rings very clear. we upped the power all the way to 4mm and supprised that we could delicately focus a crystal clear image... it looked huge, cassini division not visible though it was darker towrds the mid ring suggesting its presence. One moon stood out, dont know which, but very bright. we spent about 90 mins on her as she rose and became clearer and clearer. I could see bands like I do on jupiter, I didnt think I would see them but they were very distinct light yellow and less light yellow/green.

best night ever.

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