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WANTED - Old Red Dot Finder for DIY project


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I'm putting together a solar finder for a solar telescope. The last piece of the jigsaw will be old red dot finder.

The red dot won't be used and the semi-reflective window will be removed. The remaining body of the red dot finder will act as an alt /az adjustment platform for aligning the solar finder.

Has any one got an old non-functioning red dot finder they want to sell? As long as it has the mounting stalk and the alt/az adjustment mechanism still works, I'll consider anything.


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Excellent idea. I shall immediately 'fess up and say that I have a broken RDF and last night I was sitting taking it apart wondering what use it might still be put to. I hope someone else has one they can offer you, as now you've thought of the idea I fancy trying it myself. Up until now my solar alignment has all been done by looking at the shadow of the OTA and trying to get it as small as possible which isn't very satisfactory.

I was thinking that if this were done as a swap-in finder for a "normal" scope then it could be a nuisance to get the scope and finder lined up each time it was used, but of course it doesn't have to be astonishingly accurate, does it? Anything that will get your view somewhere on the face of the sun should be suitable.


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  • 2 months later...

Did you find one? If not, there's one on Astroboot at the moment for about £3. If you're not interested let me know and I'll pick it up for something else, but have first dibs by all means.


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