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C6-SGT or C8-SGT?

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I'm pretty much decided after reading all the advice on here and Cloudy Nights that the C6-SGT is the scope for me to upgrade from my 102 SLT refractor. It seems to be fairly decent as a basic astrophotography scope/mount and I can still use my 102 SLT on the mount as well which is a nice bonus.

However! I've read a hell of a lot of posts around the net which say a 6" scope will be fine for a while then need upgrading. Also, a lot of people say an 8" scope is the minimum needed to fully enjoy DSOs.

I would be happy to spend the £700 odd on a C6-SGT but not if I'm going to need to upgrade in three months. So, my question is this: should I just bite the bullet and spend the £1200 on the C8-SGT? Will that REALLY keep me happy for much longer than the smaller C6? Will it really show me that much more? Enough to justify the massive £500 difference for what's essentially just a 2" bigger scope?

All advice is welcome! :wink:

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Personally I wouldn't buy a C8 brand new as they seem to be the one piece of kit that depreciates so highly on the second hand market. The C8 is about £1k new but seems to ALWAYS sell for £400 second hand.

I would look to buy a HEQ5 mount instead of the CG5 and then keep an eyeout for a second hand C8. That being said for astrophotography I would look to a shorter focal length instead. An ED80 perhaps

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If your budget will stretch to £1200, why not buy two scopes?

For example: A Celestron C6-SGT and a Skywatcher Skyliner 250PX.

I simply dont have the room to store them Steve. Although we've just moved into a 3 bedroom house, my wife today gave me a row for putting boxes in the spare bedroom which, apparently we agreed was "her" room. That's on top of her having all the drawers in the house full while all I have is half a wardrobe and the cupboard under the stairs! So one scope is really all I can have, although I'd keep the 102 SLT OTA I have to use on the mount as I like that scope.

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Every man needs a shed... or two

Ha ha, :wink: we have a shed, but it's full with the lawnmower and so on. I'm not sure I'd be comfortable storing a telescope in a shed anyway it would probably be too easy to break into even with a lock on the fence and shed door.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to say thanks, particularly to Gordon - I got a CG5-GT mount last week for £250, and today have been offered a C8 for £350, getting that on Friday.

I never really thought of the 2nd hand route until it was mentioned on here, so you have saved me a HELL of a lot of money.

Cheers! :sunny:

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Will do, cheers Gordon.

One question about the C8 tube. The one I'm getting has a handle on it, which I've never seen in any of the pics I've looked at of C8s.

Is this useful for piggybacking DSLRs? Is it significant in any way, other than as a handy handle to mount the thing?

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