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Nice black blob in the middle of Venus

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Well, I am really stoked, first chance to use my scope tonight (it has been sat in the lounge looking pretty for two weeks) and I managed to see Jupiter and four moons - even managed to see a redish stripe.

Thought I would try Venus while I was at it, but this was less successful. Whilst the image appeared to fill the EP, I had a black blob in the middle of it. I think I have read somewhere that this was the mirror of the scope (I have a reflector) but can't remember if that's right or what I can do about it.

Hope someone can help please.

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You were out of focus. Venus is quite tiny and very bright.

What you were seeing was the out of focus image of the secondary mirror. Next time you use the scope focus correctly then go out of focus "both ways" ie in and out. You will see the little black dot appear again!

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Glad to hear you enjoyed your first session Nystra :)

It takes a few decent nights to get used to the quirks and features of your telescope. If you were seeing bands on Jupiter you must be doing something right :icon_eek:



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Thanks for the replies.

I think I was still using the 10mm ep (possibly with the x2 Barlow) which I had been looking at Jupiter with.

Putting it down to a complete beginner mistake. I'll know for next time.

Thanks all.

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