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Polar alignment at the Equator!!!


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One of those thoughts:

But how the hell do you align a scope if your on the equator?

Im just thinking N hemisphere you use the NCP and S Hemisphere the SCP.

Well if your on the equator can you see either? If not how do you align a scope?

Im probably missing something obvious but....



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I had a similar thought the other night too. I also thought, I wonder if you can see virtually all constellations?

I worked in offshore oil exploration off the coast of Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon and Nigeria some years ago. You can indeed see all the constellations if you are willing to observe for a full year. However, it has to be said that some stars never get that high - the Southern Cross for instance. From 2 degrees N of the equator I never spotted Polaris, although its often hazy near the horizon at sea.

A bigger problem is the equatorial rain belt which is a near-permanent part of the local meteorology in that part of the world! :D


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Well, you wouldn't be able to see Polaris as it would be on the horizon. Also, presumably 'normal' equatorial mounts would balance a bit strangely, with the polar axis being horizontal?

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