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200pds + EQ5 Pro + dslr, too much?

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Hi there have read a lot on the forums lately.

I'm about to pull the trigger on buying a scope and mount for mainly viewing but also to do some astro images

People say that this combo should be replaced with the next mount up for payload options

Camera equipment I own is 7D & 5D2, array of f/2.8 lenses including 300mm so can use the camera and lens on its own with the mount for general tracked shots but I'd like to use the 5D2 body on the scope

I originally started off choosing a 150pds with EQ3Pro with the aim to use the dslr on it but have since preferred the option of the extra light gained by the larger 200pds scope

So, can someone in the know tell me is a 200pds + EQ5 GOTO and 5D2 or 7D body (without grip) really that unreasonable that I won't get good shots from it and it's too heavy rendering it useless?

Obviously I'd love to have the next mount up but I'm not prepared to spend anymore and from a practical point of view the next mount up is too heavy to cart about from site to site

Any help appreciated and sample shots taken with this combo would help greatly



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Yes - it's too heavy.

That's not to say you couldn't take some really nice images just using the EQ5, the camera and your current lenses (minus the scope). Just get a dovetail with a tripod attachment and bolt the camera in directly.

The mount really is the one thing you can't skimp on (believe me, I've tried!)


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From what I've read, the HEQ5 is just about able to handle the 200 with an SLR for imaging, but would be better served with an EQ6. I'm also not convinced that the 200 is gonna gather that much more light for imaging purposes compared to the 150. They are both f/5 scopes, the main difference being the different FOV provided, the 200 being 1000mm, the 150 being 750mm. How about putting the 150 on an HEQ5 ??

If, on the other hand, you're using the scopes for visual, the 200 will outperform the 150 on light gathering.

I would strongly recommend that your first purchase, as your wanting to get into imaging should be

First Light Optics - Making Every Photon Count - Steve Richards

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The general consensus is that the EQ5 / 200P is on the limit for visual, and when you start adding weight such as camera bodies etc it simply doesn't provide a stable platform. I own both the EQ5 and HEQ5 and in all honesty the HEQ5 is a lot more stable, even with the additional weigh of a guidescope and camera, something which is almost a must have if your want to use the camera attached to the main scope.

You also benefit from more precise motors in the HEQ5 pro than those fitted to the EQ5 pro. Having said that there is always an exception to the rule, and you might get away with using the finder as a guider on the EQ5 and get some decent results. But IMO it would have to be in perfect conditions, one gust of wind and it would move the scope so much that guiding would be affected.

IMO, it's worth getting the HEQ5 / 200P from day one, rather than getting the EQ5 and then having to upgrade it to a HEQ5 a few months down the line. It would save you money in the long run. But then this is just my opinion - at the end of the day it's really down to what funds you have available.

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I think if like you say you are mainly viewing rather than imaging but want to dabble in imaging then you should be fine. unless you're in a windy location as the 200p/pds will act like a bit of a wind sale and throw you're tracking off, so you might have to get round this by building a wind break. However, if you get the imaging bug then you will quickly pine after a better mount i.e. HEQ5 minimum. I started out imaging with a 80mm frac on an EQ5 plus motors which was ok for learning the basics of imaging, but like I say I quickly wanted a better mount above anything else so I've just bought a second hand HEQ5 which I'm very excited about!! yipeee!! :) So go for it and if you find imaging is for you then sell the mount and upgrade, I'm just wondering if the 150pds would be a better compromise with the EQ5 pro??

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