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First light with my Dob 200 :-)


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It finally happened...

For a long time I just could not make up my mind whether to go portable or go big...I finally made the decision to go big and I'm glad I did.

I went out and bought a Skyliner 200P and I love it! It's so easy to set up and use.

Last night the clouds finally gave me a break :-) It was my first time to see M42 through a scope any bigger than an 80 and what a sight it was...I spent a long time just staring at the same spot in the sky...wonderful. I'm hooked :)

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I've literally just ordered one of these!

I think Mrs D couldn't stand it any more.

My justification to her was this: "You know those views you had of Jupiter through the binos? Well according to the Stellarium software it'll be out of the night sky by the end of February (the original planned purchase date) and wont reappear until September" (ahem!)

"Well you better order your new scope then hadn't you" she replied!

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"Well you better order your new scope then hadn't you" she replied!

Look, I'm no expert, but that sounds like code for something bad is going to happen if you do. Try running it through Babelwife to get a proper translation. :)

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Slightly annoyed about the clouds as it was meant to arrive yesterday when it was clear. Them's the breaks though.

Me too, i ordered friday afternoon, and missed "last orders" by minutes. I was supposed to finish work at 3 but they asked me to stay till 4, i figured no harm so long as i get it done before 4:30-5ish.... :)

Instead, i had to wait until monday for them to process it. In all fairness, FLO put a big URGENT on the order, so had it next day :)

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