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Which Eyepiece?

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Hi. Just wandering which one of these 2 brands of eyepieces you guys prefer? Buying a couple more this week but not sure which one to go with. Either the Televue plossl or Celestron X-cel lx? What are your opinions on theses or any similar brands of similar price and spec. Thanks!

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Just looking through ur images Rik, awesome them mate. Wouldn't mind giving astrophotography a go myself. Very new to ye hobby though, my first night last night so got a lot to learn lol

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Thanks for that. Imaging is both fun and frustrating in equal measure.

f/5 is fast.

The TV plossls will work very well but will only give you about a 50° field and the eyerelief in the shorter focal lengths is not a lot. If you don't mind a small field and getting up close and personal to the lens, they will give very nice views indeed.

I am afraid I don't know how the Celestrons will perform at f/5. The extra eyerelief will be more comfortable and the larger field will be good if they are corrected well enough at the edge. If you wear glasses to observe the Celestron would probably be the better choice.

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Depends really on your preference - the televue will be slightly sharper especially in the last third of the view. It would help to know what focal length you want - as the televue will be easier to look through from about 15mm but will not be too comfortable at 8mm or 11mm , the lx will not make much difference. The televue plossl will ultimately give the crisper view.

There a second hand televue 20mm going for £40 which is very good if your looking for one around this lengh.on astro buy and sell



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Hi well at the moment I've got a stock 28mm and a plossl 6mm (which is rather hard to view through) so I was thinking of something between 10 and 15mm and then get a Tal Barlow lens.

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Hi lee, ive just brought 2 X-Cel Lx EP's today, unfortunately its not a good night here in Notts so unable to test them out. If your not in a hurry, then first chance i get i'll send you a report...

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Thanks mate i would appreciate that. I have actually just ordered one (the 12mm) and also a 'Tal 2xBarlow' lol, couldnt wait any longer so hopefully wont be disappointed. It has to be better than what ive got anyway. Its not a good night here either so thought i would spend my time doing abit of research on here instead.

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Hi lee, Well i've just spent a few hours gazing while we have some clear skies here in Notts & i have to say im VERY HAPPY indeed with the 2 X-CEL LX EP's i got the other day. I've cracking views of both m42 & Jupiter. Focusing was sharp & pin point :icon_scratch::D:D . I don't think you'll be disappointed when you get yours, if they aint come already...

Anyway must dash, more observing to be done while theres clear skies...

Enjoy & Cheers


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Thanks mate, still waiting for mine so stuck wi the 6mm plossl and 28mm stock for now. Managed to see Jupiter tonight and 4 of its moons so theres a start, but wasnt the sharpest so hoping these new eyepieces make a difference.

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Little update for you Lee. Had a look at the moon and the detail was amazing especially with the 5mm. I also got to see Mars for the very first time but as most people on here say couldn't make to much detail, plus i'd got the shakes which didn't help any lol...

Any ways hope you get yours soon while we got clear skies...

Cheers Ady

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Think I'll get the 5mm ordered, my 6mm plossl isn't very impressive. Had trouble focusing it in Jupiter last nyt aswell. Maybe it just doesn't go well with my scope. Thanks for the info anyway guys I appreciate it

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