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Focus on Skywatcher 130p

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Hi, I have the Skywatcher Heritage 130p, with the eye pieces that came with it 10mm and 25mm, and also a 6mm. I also have the Barlow 2x (that came with it). The problem is I'm finding it impossible to focus when looking at the planets, especially Saturn and Venus. Jupiter is almost in focus and tonight I was able to see 4 of the moons, but the outline is not completely clear and there's definitely no details or patterns. On the whole I can't get a very good view, and absolutely no focus at all with the Barlow (I turn it until it doesn't go any further). Am I doing something wrong? Which eye pieces are recommended for this telescope? or any other equipment to improve its performance? there is just so much info out there it's hard to know what's best...for somebody who's quite an amateur.



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Hi and welcome to the forum :)

Do you get a sharp image of the planet with the 25mm and 10mm eyepieces on their own ?.

Sometimes crisp focus cannot be achieved if too much magnification is used.

Alternately it might be that the scope is a bit out of collimation, which can be adjusted of course. Out of collimation means that the main and secondary mirrors of the scope are not quite aligned precisely enough.

Leaving the scope to cool outside before observing for 20-30 mins is also highly recommended.

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I used to have this scope, using the 10mm ep I could get a decent view of Jupiter the outline of the planet would be pretty crisp and two distinct bands of colour were visible on the planet surface it would also show me the four moons but that would be it. Saturn would look like a small white disc with a cocktail stick through it. As John said check collimation, there is information about how to do it in the scopes instructions, give the scope time to cool and don't push the magnification too high so don't use the barlow with the 6mm ep.

Oh and welcome to the forum :)

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Thank you for the nice replies. I'll have a look in the instruction booklet. Also, I didn't mention that I've actually been using it indoors lately, in the kitchen as I have great views (and it's always so cold, not that I should complain though!). Perhaps the glass of the door distorts the focus?! (didn't think of that....so I'm now going to put it outside and see how that goes). But still, is there any other eye piece that you would recommend? or anything else that might be useful with this telescope?

Thanks again


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Viewing through a window from a heated room is really not recommended although I guess it can be chilly outside !

Both the glass and the warmth of the room will have contributed to the poor image.

I'd give the scope a try in it's proper environment (ie: outside !) before buying additional eyepieces etc.

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I have the GOTO version of this scope and its great.

Focussing is fiddly at high mag but my 10mm plus 2x Barlow gives a nice '5p' size view of Jupiter.

All I can suggest is letting the 'scope cool for 1/4 of an hour or so and VERY gentle focussing. Even a FRACTION of a turn will make a massive difference.


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Thank you everybody! for highlighting this. I just had a quick look outside before the clouds covered up the whole sky and yes, it was definitely clearer. I should have thought of this, but there was one really cold morning in Nov or Dec when I was up early to try and view Saturn and I thought the spot in the kitchen was great and left it there since....just wondering why I couldn't focus. Will put a coat and hat on from now on. And look in to those eye pieces. I'm just starting out and learning bit by bit. But for a large, detailed view of the planets I guess I will need to go to an observatory! Thanks again,


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You can get a very good view of Jupiter and Saturn with your scope and you can also get some good images of the Moon and planets (see my profile pic). You will however need to leave your scope outside for at least 30-40 mins to cool down first. Astronomy is an outdoor pursuit I'm afraid and being cold comes with the obsession! Happy viewing!

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Yes. The pic was taken using a SW 130p on a SW Synscan AZ GoTo mount with a Philips webcam in place of the eyepiece. You then record a video of the target (in this case, Jupiter ) using free software like SharpCap. You then stack the images in Registax (also free) and Bob's your planet!

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The webcam of choice is the Philips SPC880 which you can usually get here Buy Philips SPC880 webcam (Not pre flashed) at Morgan Computers Unfortunately they are out of stock. You can also use a MS Lifecam but I have never done that. Have a search on here for webcam imaging and you'll find loads of info.


Just looked at the pictures of these webcams. I assume the MS one is just a bit smaller than 1.25" so its barrel can be secured in the eyepiece holder with the two clamping screws. How do you keep the Philips one in place? Also, will these also fit in the Skywatcher Heritage 130P?

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The webcams are fitted to your scope in the focusser instead of an eyepiece. You will need to remove the lense from the webcam and screw in a 1.25" nosepiece. You then focus by looking at the image on a computer using the Sharpcap software. Here is the required nosepiece Buy Philips SPC880 1.25 inch webcam adapter at Morgan Computers

Yes it will fit the 130p Heritage.

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All this is very interesting reading. I signed up nearly a year ago, but didn't realise this was such active interaction here, which is nice! The link about how to take pics is also very interesting, and I'd love to be able to do that. But the technicalities all sound so beyond me. I guess the best thing to do is to dedicate a day to really understand it all. If Starhoparfa lets me know what pieces he/she buys (please?) I might just do the same thing and then work it out once I have all the bits and bobs (sorry to be so lazy but I really can't work out what's what, it took me weeks of research to decide which telescope to buy in the first place!). And that Newbie link is great, thank you! I have also had great views of some nebulas, 7 sisters, etc. (last winter, before I thought it was a good idea to keep the telescope indoors).

I'd love to go to some stargazing events, does anybody know where to find something e.g. in Berks, Bucks, Oxfordshire? Thank you all again!


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Hi, I have the Skywatcher Heritage 130p, with the eye pieces that came with it 10mm and 25mm, and also a 6mm. I also have the Barlow 2x (that came with it). ... and absolutely no focus at all with the Barlow (I turn it until it doesn't go any further).


Hi Elina,

I have the same scope and had exactly the same problem with the supplied Barlow (I purchased mine from Scopes'n'Skies). I contacted them and returned it; they sent me a different Barlow as a replacement. That one was better, but still would not quite achieve focus. After reading a post on here (sorry, can't remember who it was from now) I found a partial solution:

Assuming your problem is the same as mine, i.e. you need to turn the focus ring in more than is possible, this is what I did ... When setting up, extend the tube fully, then collapse it back down by about 0.5 to 1cm. This shortens the focal length slightly and you should then be able to focus with the Barlow. With a bit of trial and error you should find the right setup.

Unfortunately, you will probably not be able to focus like this without the Barlow - I can't - so you can't just pop it in to increase the magnification; it's an either/or situation, but at least it is a partial solution. :icon_scratch:

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This all sounds very familiar. The 2x barlow, which was given away for free from Scope N Skies, is a bag of ****. I heard the TAL 2x would be a good alternative...can anyone confirm that.



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