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Three galaxies to the east..


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Finally a clear night with no moon..although the Christmas lights are getting annoying!

So I set out to find a few new fuzzies.

First was NGC 697 in Aries. Nice and high to the east. This one was only possible with averted vision and is very extended. Next to a triangle of stars. I picked up a mag 14.2 star in the triangle which supports the good clear sky.

So on to NGC 1060 in Triangulum on the Pleides side. Again quite high up. This was a brighter galaxy, I could hold this one with direct vision. Quite small and circular.

Finally a go at NGC 1055 near M77...Not really sure, thought I could see hints of it but at a lower altitude I could not confirm. Looking at the chart I went for NGC 1032 nearby and that was actually much easier. A nice small oval object again next to a small triangle of stars. I looked up the object when I came in at it has a fine shape and a dust lane but at the eyepiece I could only see the core, again probably down to the low altitude.

So nice to find three more galaxies to add to my collection.

Finished off with a look at M35 with NGC 2158 very visible as a fuzzy patch..

Dark Skies...


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