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Lunar eclipse in Sussex


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Hello all,

I'd like to share my photos of this afternoon's lunar eclipse. I've only seen a few, but this one struck me as particularly golden. There were a few clouds, but I think they added to the atmosphere of the event.






They were taken with a tripod mounted Nikon D7000, a 70-300mm Nikor lens at 300mm and a Kenko x1.4 teleconveter.



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Thanks. Yes, I like the second one. But, I like the fourth one because of the clouds. But, I like the last one because of the contrast.

HEHE - that's why I posted them all.

I took my son to a local place I know with a low horizon. The whole show was 15 minutes or so, which was just right, and matched the attention span of the average 11 year old :)

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Thanks for your comments. Isn't it interesting how difficult it is to judge your own work? I've shown the pictures to some friends, and they all agree that that the top two pictures (they're actually the same picture) are the best. It's my least favourite and I nearly deleted it when I saw it! It was a test shot to check focus and was the first picture I took.

Just checked and we have a bit of a wait for the next event. 2% partial eclipse on 25th April 2013 and a total eclipse on 28th September 2015.

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Encouraged by everyone's comments (thank you), I have taken another look at the first shot. I've corrected the white balance, and sharpened it a little. I'm very pleased with how my new camera performs under low light.



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