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Mosaic of Horse head and Orion nebula


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I thought I would give this a little go as a first attempt, I know now how much pain others go through doing those wonderful big mosaics.

There is no real detail in the star field in between that is for another day I just wanted to see if I could stitch that lot together. WHAT A PAIN! 27 shots stitched and nearly a day spent getting it all lined up. Still want to try it again with some better shots though soon as christmas is out of the way.

Biggest nightmare is blending all of the pictures together. Photoshop does a pretty good job but if your pictures have bad vignetting and gradiants then its a long long job sorting it all out be warned..

Stil it was fun to do I think, and next clear night Im going to have a try at getting some better images to work with and add to my collection. But for now its.. back away from the computer QM :)


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Nice work.... wonder what the rest of Orion would look like on that scale :)

If it was done with a high rez ccd camera it would be pretty amazing I should think. I was inspired by last years picture in calender that I got from Sky at Night magazine its a wonderful picture of this area.

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Would be good to get a few clear nights in only had a couple so far and I am itching to get out there again and have another go at the Orion Horse Head mosaic again, but my step daughter getting married this weekend so no chance of getting out with the scope until monday night.

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Great shot! "widescreen" is simply underkill for this pic though, haha. :(

But overall it's a really nice pic, must have been a lot of work to put together! :)

As for teh "wall canvas" with everything into one frame... - although you know it's incorrect, it looks kind of really cool! :)

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Thanks Jannis :(

I am looking forward to the next moonless dark night when I will have another try hopefully getting the pictures lined up better as I take them and with longer exsposures to capture more detail in the middle section. This was a practise run but it taught me a lot putting it together. The wall canvas is pure fun but it sure would look cool if your looked through your telescope and saw that lot :)

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