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Another "keep the scope/mount outside" thread

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As the title says,

When i come home from work about 6pm, been fed and watered it's gone 7pm when i can start about setting the scope up.

By this time i have a job to get away from the tv and miss ANOTHER nights viewing, it's the fact that i have to carry all the equipment from the shed in the dark and align the mount etc that puts me of (lazy i know), come the weekend when i can do it in the light, no problem.

So my question is this, will the mount be ok left out under a waterproof cover? my main concern are the motors in the damp air, been thinking about insulating them some how.

Also am i correct in thinking if i leave the mount all set up (just bring the scope in) and park the scope in the "home" postion all i have to do the next night is pop the scope in, enter date and time, start from the "home" postion i wont have to align the mount again?, polar, 2 star etc.

But after looking at the weather forcast this thread seems like a waste of time:mad:

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HI Dave,

I keep the tripod out all the time for my LX, however all the electronics are in the fork mount. I would not reccommend keeping a mount out like yours even under a cover, the dew and frost will get to it in the end.


Ps, Mods have asked us not to put kit for sale in our sigs :-(

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2 Waterproof covers

Desert Storm Bag

1 X 25w light bulb to prevent moisture building up. (This really works)

The screws of the scope are often not stainless steel so need to be replaced to prevent rust.

Security: Night animals chewing through cables

Human intrusion.

Make sure all cables are tidied up and that the scope is well camoflaged.

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2 Waterproof covers

Desert Storm Bag

1 X 25w light bulb to prevent moisture building up. (This really works)

The screws of the scope are often not stainless steel so need to be replaced to prevent rust.

Security: Night animals chewing through cables

Human intrusion.

Make sure all cables are tidied up and that the scope is well camoflaged.

Put a shed over it..:)

Thanks for the bulb and cover tip..

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Even with a shed your expensive gear is at risk. But it would help.

The 25w watt bulb is the best tip I have ever come across for electricsl/electronic engineering equipment btw. I have friends who have used this system for years. And it has protected some really expensive gear from rust/corrosion.

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Even with a shed your expensive gear is at risk. But it would help.

i agree, i do my best to keep it safe and so far so good, but the more i think about it left out when no one is home in the day and the 20mins it takes to carry it to the garden and set up, i guess i can put up with that:icon_confused:

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My heq5 and 200p has been outside for over 1 year. Never fails me, in the snows of 2010.

I just use a heavy duty bbq cover and bungee cords. As for theft, if they can lift 30kg in an awkward shape then at least it prevents them coming in the house.

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I might try it over a weekend if we get a clear few days, just to try starting from "home" and see how well it locates an object.

I have a heavy duty cover which goes over it in the shed to keep of the dust, maybe double this up and insulate the motors for added protection

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Hi Dave,

For me its just not worth the risk of damaging a fine mount, the snow here last year was nearly 4ft in the garden. The Lx is bloomin heavy (c80lb with the bits on) so its a grab & go (st120) if the cloud has a little gap!!.

Hope you ar getting good use from the Mak.

Best Regards

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one night last year i left my 90 frac out side all night in the snow no covers nothing, prior to this my old man made me some rubber washers and every nut and bolt got one ,i left it with no covers nothing woke up in the kitchen on a chair i went out side and a snow covered the scope was gutted ,brought it in the house stripped it down fully and to my supprise it was dry as a bone on the inside,my dad got me some new bolts and nuts that would not rust out side got the hair dryer on it put it back together added brass gears to the mount and some lithium grease bobs ya uncle,i would not advise this ,say in that i have to crazy jack russels and if any one comes with in 40 feet of my garden they out the shed and barking till some one from the house goes out side they are better than any alarm for sheds ,my dad has 3 geese and he never gets any one on is garden

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