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hia peeps

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right can you peeps have a look at these images that ive taken with my ccd wecam and stacked its my first ever go at this so please be gentle lol ! And let me know what you think ive done right and wrong thanks photobucket.com/astro-images

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what i noticed was the webcam was at quite high magnification but i don't know why it was set at the lowest magnification in the settings and connected straight into the scope no 2x barlow or diagonal any ideas how to lower the magnification ? the such high mag caused the blurring probs on the moon images

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Your scope has a focal length of 1500mm. Magnification is a product of focal length.

For instance, a 10mm eyepiece in your scope would produce 150x magnification (1500/10). Whereas in mine (1250mm focal length) it would be 125x.

In order to get less magnification you would need a focal reducer.

Or perhaps do eyepiece projection photography? I'm not sure how that works out tbh.


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hi from me ,nice first go focus looks a issue but that will come with time and webcams can produce some stunning images so its onwards and upwards great first go and welcome to the dark side (take in astro pics may take over your astro life for a while)

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Thanks for the comments peeps great help I just can't understand why the magnifiacation is so high tho because I've seen images taken with the same Ccd camera and scope and there getting much less mag I will get to the bottom of this watch this space lol !

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One quick suggestion. Can you change your signature to some color rather than dark blue? I can hardly see that.

OK, the important question, are you using eyepiece projection, or are you taking photos directly from the scope's optics? If you are using eyepiece projection, the combination of the focal length of the scope, eyepiece, AND camera's optics will all combine together to give you one very looooong focal length.

If you are able to take the lens off the camera, and couple it directly to the optical tube, with NO lenses, barlow, camera or otherwise, between the objective of the scope and the sensor in the camera, your field of view will be much wider, and the magnification will be lower.

That is essentially the "bottom line" .

Jim S.

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