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Telextender or Powermate?


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I'm interested in either of these to enable me to get to around f/15 - f/30 with my 120 ED APO (f/7.5). Does anyone have any experience of these products? (or know when the Telextenders may become available - everyone seems to be out of stock!).

I'm probably looking for a ~2x to get me going and a ~4x later. The aim is to enable me to do some webcam planetary imaging with the scope.

I have a TAL 2x Barlow but want to "upgrade".


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I have also been looking into Powermates and decided on a 2x 2inch Powermate, as I can also use it for some DSO work. I have only had one chance to look through it, last night, before the clouds rolled in, with my Baader Click-stop zoom. The Moon looked pretty sharp, but I didn't have a chance to really assess how sharp, or was the seeing just good? But I think from other reviews you won't be disappointed with a powermate.

Clear Skies ;)

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2 x 2" Powermate is a great bit of kit. You don't know it's there which is the best thing you could say about any barlow type option. It maintains the same characteristics of the lens in terms of eye relief, just doubles the magnification, simple! No noticeable degradation to my eye.


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