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Tip of the day

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I was webcamming the moon. There was quite a bit of wind around, but even so, I thought I was having more difficulty getting good focus than usual. It was only when I was packing up that I discovered I had not tightened the screws holding the webcam into the eyepiece holder and so the camera had been flapping around.

So, having proved that this does not improve pictures, my tip of the day is to secure the webcam in the e/p holder.

Bit of a no-brainer really ;)

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Thats perfectly fine...after my reading session I finally got to taking my first set of wide field pictures with my dslr...eager to get home and process my first images I jumped out of my car and ran upstairs like a little kid...as soon as I got into the door it finally hit me that I yet do not have the cable to pull the images off my camera as I lost it and am waiting for the replacement to come in the mail...go figure lol.

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