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First afocal photos


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These are my first attempts at the moon using my Canon S95 compact camera. They are single shots taken though my Skywatcher 200P Dobsonian with a Baader Hyperion 17mm lens and processed with PSE and Astra Image ( 14 day free trial - not sure whether to buy it on not )

I'm pleased enough to want to continue & hopefully when the moon reappears & the weather improves to take some more so I'd be grateful for any advice on how to improve and any ideas as to what else I can do with this set up. As I can't track it looks as if the moon moves too fast to take multiple images for stacking. or am I wrong about this ?

Many thanks





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Hi Todd

I only managed to get 4 shots of an almost full moon at 1/100 sec before it drifted out of the field. DSS wouldn't stack these, I think because it could detect no stars. So how do you do it ?


And thanks to everyone for the kind comments. But I still want to know how to improve :)

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