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How to clean lenses (conjunctivitis)?!

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Hello there!

I got conjunctivitis and I know the lenses are infected... When I first noticed that I had it, I stopped using my binos for about 2 weeks. After those weeks, I tryed it again and got back this infection =/

And after my mom watched the sky through the binos, she got red eyes too!

So, how can I clean the lenses and the rubber that fits around the eye without damaging the binos? Alcohol?

Thank you all!

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I'd imagine that a dab of neat alcohol (i'm thinking vodka) would do the trick without damaging the lens. I feel for you as i have also in the past suffered from this condition which i picked up from my scope. I know it was the scope because it (conjunctivitis) was only in my observing eye. It can be very painful.

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If you are too worried, I imagine that if you did not use the items for a while (a couple of weeks) that the contaminated surfaces would be conjunctivitis bacteria free. I read some things about this on the internet ( having had kids in daycare. . . what a conjunctivitis disaster) and sources say that on uncleaned, slick surfaces the bacteria can ony live for a few days. In the case of viral conjuctivitis, it may take a couple of weeks. If you were prescribed antibiotics, and they worked, then you can probably just leave them for a few days. Of course, I am not a medical doctor, though I am a biologist working with lab strains of bacteria. It makes sense to me that bacteria will die off if they are in a hostile environment and there is nothing there for them to eat.

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Nasty business. Can lead to blindness in toddlers as I discovered six months ago having to live in hospital for a few days to keep our little girl company whilst they forced eyedrops upon her :D she was OK in the end, but it was very disturbing...

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Nasty business. Can lead to blindness in toddlers as I discovered six months ago having to live in hospital for a few days to keep our little girl company whilst they forced eyedrops upon her :D she was OK in the end, but it was very disturbing...

Wow Bear, i didnt think it could get that serious. But i suppose any infection if let run riot for a moment too long can cause havoc.

Glad to here your little one is ok now.

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You can buy disinfectant wipes from Boots/Superdrug/etc etc that would do the job.

Soap and water would also do it, applied with a cotton bud or something...but perhaps not something you want to apply to binos.

This is assuming the binoculars are to blame.

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My friend was showing some regular campers at Kelling a look in his solar scope (this autumn just gone) - next day his eye was all red and swollen - we found out later the lady of the couple had an infected eye - dunno if it was conjunctivitis but he got meds from the doc and was ok in a day or two.

Allways worth asking a few polite questions before letting a stranger use your scope :D

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I never would have thought scopes and binos could spread eye infections...THAT's something none of the beginner telescope advice websites say.

I don't want an eye infection, and I know that should my mum ever look through my stuff she REALLY won't want an eye infection (as she already has no vision in one eye and impaired vision in the other). So I'll have to beware.

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