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help with camera settings please

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good afternoon

i need some help with setting up my 350d to take pictures of the stars and meterors on saturday morning i have a 18-55mm lens tripod and shutter release just need the right iso f stop and speed please.p.s weather permiting :)

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Depending on how much noise you may get,Id go for a fast ISO setting and 20 - 30 seconds a go,

You may find you can expose for a bit longer it depends on the light pollution,

Just experiment when you get out,

and good luck (I never have much with Meteors),


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I wouldnt go above ISO 800 with a 350D.It doesnt like ISO 1600 which is very noisy indeed.

f stop should be the smallest number you can get or the one above it so it will be around f4

Your maximum exposure length before stars begin to trail is in theory only about 20 seconds.

Use the 600 rule to work out exposure length, divide 600 by focal length of your lens,bearing in mind you have a cropped sensor you need to multiply the focal length by 1.6 so with your lens at 18mm thats the equivelant of 18x1.6 =28.8. Divide that into 600 = 20.8 seconds.

If you went to 25 seconds the trailing wouldn't really be obvious unless you were to zoom in on the image.

Stars will appear to trial faster,the further you are from the Pole Star.

If you live in an area with little light pollution point your camera at Polaris,the north star and take an exposure of 10 minutes or so.You will see the stars furthest away from polaris leaving trails whereas the stars close to Polaris will have no or very little obvious trailing.

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