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Doesn`t birds ever sleep?


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Hello folks.

Beware of the birds ladys and gentlemen. Thy`re NOT sleeping at night. Last week in the dark when taking images at M81 suddenly a strange sound came from the telescope. I couldn`t figure out what caused the sound but I thought it may come from my homemade dewshield which is a tight fit om the ota, thought it might be the welcrostrap who losened a bit causing that strange (tick) sound and didn`t think much more about it. So i proceeded concentrating at imaging M81.

After the session when I started to take apart my equipment I saw in the light of my flashlight, that a big slimy POOP from "angry bird" (please dont laugh!) had hitting the outside of my dewshield about 5-10cm from the scope end!

I realise now what a great idea this dewshield is :)

The poop had probably hit the front corrector lens at my SW190MN if no dewshield was on there. If so I don`t know what I should have done to clean it up, probably running as fast as possible to our greenhouse grabbing that water-hoose.

I highly reccomend dewshield from now on. That`s all I wanted to say.



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Your tale reminded me, last week I was intently studding the sky looking for M31 when the view suddenly got very black in places and the pattern of blackness was growing and reducing in size.

I thought yep I have been overdoing it and my eyes had finally cried enough.

Lifting my head up to regain my composure I noticed in the moonlight a seagull was merrily wandering along my line of sight.

What the hell is a seagull doing out at 2 oclock in the morning !!!

Didn't half give me a turn.


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Have to thank your lucky stars it wasn't a swan or other large bird flying overhead otherwise it might have been an excuse to adjust your counterweights!;):D


You ought to see how much comes out of the back of a heron. :rolleyes:

I stay RIGHT by my scope at all times....

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