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Easy HEQ5 Syntrek Polar Scope Dimmer


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With much inspiration from the (oft-missed) "Star Baby" - Cheers, Mel! :)

Firstly, I found, I couldn't "remove" either HEQ5 Syntrek motor, 'cos the leads were held tight - They had been wound / knotted behind the circuit board! But, on removing the curved HEQ5 "bonnet" (remove side panel to access remaining screws), I found that the PCB edge connector (leads!) to the LED rather easily accessible. So, I untwisted and split the red lead, soldered in a couple of fly lead extensions - To a Maplin miniature 470K linear potentiometer (adding heat shrink as appropriate) et voila:


Not shown, the beautiful, mount-enhancing, silver-spun knob.

As Eccles once said: "You just turn the knob on your side"? :)

(Or, in this case, my front!)

But seriously, a job I had long put off, in some trepidation... :happy1:

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