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Is my new SPC900 broken? Just see a blue screen

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I recently purchased this SPC880 from ebay :

eBay - The UK's Online Marketplace

It has been flashed.

I have tried using K3ccd and one other program to capture the video stream from it but all I get is a blue screen video stream. I have tried putting my hand over the camera to see a change but there is none. When the streaming first starts it is plain white, it then slowly builds up to a solid blue colour and stays like that.

At this point I am only trying to get the camera working so I have not yet replaced the its lens with with my 1"24 adaptor. So it should function like a normal webcam.

Has anyone seen this issue before?

I have installed the philips SPC900 drivers.



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Have you downloaded the drivers? If so, which one's have you downloaded?

What version of Windows are your running? If it's Vista or 7 you'll need to upgrade the firmware on the camera and load a set of SPC900 drivers.

You can find an excellent tutorial on how to upgrade the firmware here.


PM me if you need help with drivers for the SPC880.

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