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Synch or align?


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I am struggling to to get the least worst polar alignment of my SE mount. Currently I use my imaging target as one of my two alignment stars, but I'm wondering if I would get better tracking if I aligned on two widely separated stars and then did a synch on my observing target. Any thoughts?

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Hmm - you say the mount tracks well in Alt-Az ( which only requires a level mount and a couple of syncs) but tracks poorly (I assume in polar mode, ie with a wedge??) -

that comes down to the accuracy of the drives and the control logic being used....

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With auto-guiding isn't it LESS critical to be Polar Aligned?

Won't it just "adjust" more?

Autoguiding will correct the pointing of the telescope to keep it on a the guide star but can do nothing about the field rotation imparted by a poor polar alignment.

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I folowed Demonperformer's advice and picked two widely separated stars bracketing my target (Caph and Altair, target=M27) and did everything i could to make the alignment accurate... I centered my alignment stars using my highest magnification, and defocused the stars to make alignment even more accurate. In my test exposures I have round stars at exposures of 35 seconds, which is a record exposure length for me... :-) We'll see what the actual pictures show though...

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Wedge. Aligning a polar-oriented SE mount is much the same as aligning it in AZ mode. There is an extra step you can take where the scope slews to polaris and acts as a polar scope, but that refinement is beyond me as the ST80 is too long to point to polaris.

I tracked M27 for an hour and a half and it moved very slightly to the east on the sensor. But my subs still show star trails - at right angles to the actual movement of M27. So I presume these residual star trails are coming from the very budget mechanics of the SE mount.

As the trails did not add up to a net movement, perhaps I can push to even longer exposures. The trails are short enough to process away.

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So, to clarify, the polar alignment I am doing is very approximate indeed. All I am doing with PA is minimizing field rotation to the point where it will not affect the short exposures I am taking.

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I figured out my problem - every couple of minutes my SE mount skips a gear and the image shifts east by about 50 pixels. The jump can be so big I don't get star trails but double dots. It's not too bad, I just have to write off a lot of subs. It also means I need to take subs in twenty minute batches and periodically realign on the target. HEQ5!!! HEQ5!!! I want a HEQ5!

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