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M76 from town site.


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M 76 is the Cork Nebula/little Dumbell

I never got to see this one last night may try again tonight if it stays as clear as it is right now. i think this was below my line of sight but can't remember for sure.

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You're not far from me... I'm just north of Nottingham, a mile out from the city centre up here in Mapperley. The lp is basically dreadful, both from Nottingham and also from Carlton, in the valley below me. Like Michael, I tended to settle for solar system observing, but recently taken up the challenge of dso's despite the lp issues. It's been a worthwhile exercise, because instead of bemoaning the lack of opportunities, I now look on it as a challenge - and it is possible to amaze yourself with both visual and imaging results under tough conditions.

Also, I own a rather large number of black buckets and a long pole - essential astro kit for me. I use the pole to help me get the buckets over annoying pir security lights that the local cats and foxes seem to delight in triggering off. Every little helps :p


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