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Processing - dissapointed with the results

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Guys, I still can't get to grips with processing webcam images (other than the moon).

I've captured 1000 frames of Jupiter last night with a flashed SPC880 web cam and a mono QHY5 - I've installed RegiStax 5.1 and left everything as default. Loaded the avi and then just clicked on an area and let it do its thing. But the results always seem less detailed than the original footage.

Anyone out there willing to process these images attached to see if they can bring out more details from the data ?

PS also noticed one of the moons appearing from behind Jupiter (top left of the left image :) )



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Have you activated the Drizzling option on the second page? (The one that opens after you have aligned and limited on the first page? It's under Resample-Drizzle, a drop down on the bottom left of the page.) Try that before going on to Optimize and Stack. It is inceredibly good on the sun.

I really don't do much webcamming but that is one thing that works well for me.


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Chris, I had no idea... just noticed that there was a pimple on the side of the image... then by the time I had changed the camera the moon was "detached" from the image... just goes to show how fast these moons orbit !

Olly, I've not done anything other than align, stack and optimize and then "do all" - will look for some tutorials and try and get some better understanding. It's frustrating seeing some of the images on here, taken with similar cameras and smaller scopes... not knocking it, but when someone posts up a nice defined image taken with a SW150 and EQ2-3 I should be able to get similar if not "better" with a SW200 on an HEQ5 - I would of thought ?

Jon, I'll see if I can register with some free file hosting site and up load the files

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Those are nice captures. There is loads of detail you can bring out using the wavelets feature in Registax.

If you move the top three sliders over to the right a bit you will see the contrast and detail in the banding start to pop out. It is a powerful tool though, so be sure you don't over do it. I like the wavelets in Registax v6 better than v5 for planets.

Again in v6, if you select RBG align, place the green box around the planet and then click on estimate, it will get rid of the colour fringe around the planet.

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Very nicely tweaked sir :)

With v6 you also get noise reduction filters along with sharpening with the wavelets. I tend to use both 5.1 and 6. I find 5.1 does a better job of lunar or solar closeups where you just see surface features rather than the edge of the disc. 5.1 also deals with bad seeing (poor quality avi's) better than 6. v6 is great for planets where you can see the whole disc and where you have good seeing and nice avi frames.

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hi Malcolm,looks like what most peeps would get but am sure if you play with the wavelets a little.you would get what you looking for looks like every thing as already been said how to ect,getting the footage is the easy part some times and the rst comes down to playing with the software and your paint program nice work

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AFA 5 vs. 6 : I never have felt comfortable with 5 in trying to manually atack images taken with my DSLR ( yes, I realize that it is more designed for AVI files ) but I can achieve some quite satisfactory results with 6. I create an aligned stack, and then go off to PhotoShop to tweak levels, etc.

If stars are out of focus, or I am trying to get a stack of an extended object, Registax 6 will often produce a useable, if not perfect, image for me.

Just saying

Jim S.

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AFA 5 vs. 6 : I never have felt comfortable with 5 in trying to manually atack images taken with my DSLR ( yes, I realize that it is more designed for AVI files ) but I can achieve some quite satisfactory results with 6. I create an aligned stack, and then go off to PhotoShop to tweak levels, etc.

If stars are out of focus, or I am trying to get a stack of an extended object, Registax 6 will often produce a useable, if not perfect, image for me.

Just saying

Jim S.

If you are working on an image with stars in it, Deep Sky Stacker will give you a far better result than either Registax version. Different tools for different jobs.

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