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Last night/early morning 14-9-11


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Now I'm not an observer as such, I only own 1 EP and have only looked through it once, but while I'm imaging I do look up once in a while - checking for cloud mainly:D but this morning I saw 2 things I have never seen before!!!

Do any of you remember the LP survey last year? How many stars can you see naked eye in Orion? My answer was 7, on a good day 9. Well last night despite a near full moon I saw 6 more!!!!! So its not just about light polution its also about air polution as well, with the wind we have had the past few days it seems to have cleared the air somewhat.

Sighting No. 2 was strange, like I say Im not an "observer" but I do observe, if that makes sense? and at 5.30am I observed 3 bright stars in a near vertical line North of Orion and I couldn't for the life of me make out what they were, I'd never seen this before!

After locking up the obs and comming inside I fired up Stellarium and had a look to see what I had seen outside - DOH! not 3 stars at all, Castor, Pollux and Mars!!!! all in a line....cool!:(

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