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Jupiter from 1-9-2011


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I had a little time tonight to sit down and try to stack a few avi's

This is with the WO 132 refractor x5powermate and a DMK 21 with the rgb filters 500 frames of each

which gives me about the same image scale as the 8" sct with the x2.5 which I will be trying next time out

advice very welcome



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I would also add watch your brightness levels, either at capture, or post processing, you dont want the image dim, but also dont go too far the other way, or burnout will hide some detail. on screen i tend to look for equatorial detail, raise the gain untill it completely burns out, then slowly drop it, untill you see the burnout completely dissapear, some prefer to use histo grapths on ICcapture, but you can get a feel for it visually too i think. Nice one for using the powermate, its good to push the equipment. we will have plenty of time to work on things as theres time left.

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