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A little help please!


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Hi everybody, last night I tried taking a photo of the Elephant and Trunk Nebula (IC 1396) but instead ended up with this:


This 5 minute sub was taken with a C100ED, unmodded 450D and Astronomik CLS filter. I really was expecting to see even just a little bit of nebulosity but I got zilch. Did I not expose for long enough, or did I just miss the target alltogether? I also tried a 15 minute exposure of the same region with my 12nm Ha filter and still had nothing.


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Ok I've editted the first post to define the correct target we are talking about here! :)

Last night the moon was practically full but I thought this wouldn't be so much of an issue with a CLS filter. Maybe it's also partly to do with my focus being slightly off?

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Oh Shibby, you're just being nice :)

I may try this again tonight with a 10 minute exposure, the main issue for me is that I'm imaging from central London - my poor old CLS is trying it's hardest but you just can't get around this level of light pollution without going narrowband :)

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I fear with a target like this (a really faint nebula) you simply have to use a modded camera.

I don't recall the exact figures but you will loose something like 80%+ of the light from the nebula itself due to the filter.

you might start to get something once you get up to 12 - 15mins exposures.. but getting the filter removed may be easier :-)


Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

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Samir, I hadn't noticed your camera was unmodded. This nebulae is a very faint emission nebula, so I'm surpirsed you picked it up at all with a single sub. (I *can* see it by the way!) As Ben says, your internal filter will be knocking out a good 80% of the light emitted from IC1396.

If I were you, I'd stick to reflection nebulae and clusters for now; there are plenty of great ones out there.

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