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Crayford focuser upgrade - finderscope issue

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Hi All. Looking for some help as I am sure I'm being a bit numb. Recently upgraded the focuser on my C100 ED frac by adding a Skywatcher Dual Speed Crayford.

I bought a findershoe (£5 metal jobbie) and have attached it to the focuser body and added the finder. Finally, due to inherent cloud cover since the upgrade, I got to try things out a couple of nites back.

Problem - No matter how far I move the adjustment screws on the finder, I cannot line it up so that the crosshairs of the finder line up with the OTA. Its not far out TBH. The star "in use" is in the FOV of the finder but my OCD kicks in as it is not at the center of the finder.

Thinkiin the focuser is not "plum" with the OTA when attached. Ive re fitted the focuser very gently and carefully and it seems to attach nicely. No cross thread of the adaptor etc.

I'm thinkin of going down the RDF route now but I do like to use a finder than an RDF. Anyone able to open my eyes to what I may have done wrong.

Many thx as always John

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dont know if this will help, but when i fitted a dual speed crayford to my star travel 150 i mounted the finder on the OTA tube, by drilling 2 small holes in the tube then fitting the finder shoe, it works perfectly

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Is the shoe you fitted to the focuser body sitting so it looks parallel to the telescope tube?

It should allow you to set the finder to the main scope....pick something easy like the moon and see if you have to loosen the shoe and then re-tighten to get alignment.


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