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First steps


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I took my first steps today and it was awe inspiring. I have always been into the things beyond things but it's only been in recent months where I have wanted to do astronomy in particular.

For the first time I looked up at a star and found exactly what I was looking for, Vega. I understand this isn't a big achievement by any stretch of the imagination, but for me personally it was a whole new take on what I was looking at. I knew it was a star, billions time bigger than my puny self, I knew which star it was, I could easily find out what it was made of if I wanted to and it is this feeling alone that makes me know that astronomy is what I want to get into!

Also it was fun to use other stars to work out where it was! :)

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Don't kid yourself that it isn't a big achievement, the vast majority of people go through life never identifying a star!

And you've hit the nail on the head, a lot of the time it isn't what you are looking at, it's what you know about it that creates the feeling :D

You're on your way now and believe me, the journey is exciting :)

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Don't kid yourself that it isn't a big achievement, the vast majority of people go through life never identifying a star!

My 7 year old daughter has stood outside looking at the stars with me a few times over the school hols. I would point out the bright stars to her and she has become familiar with some of the names.

She was most impressed when we saw the ISS go over, though!

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