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filters onto a camera lens....


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this is probally going to be a really really stupid question......

i know theres the "clip" that goes just in front of the mirror of the camera but is there one that attaches to the front of the camera lens's

im considering getting some filters in the same idea as a normal CCD with a colour wheel...... which is probally a stupid idea but id rather i get told it impossiable than not trying at all :)

thanks guys


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Gaz - not stupid. What you have to consider though is that putting the filters before the lens you need either step up or step down rings so that either the filter wheel or the filters themselves fit each lens you use.

The largest filters you can get at a reasonable cost (did I say that!) are 2 inch. Therefore any lens you have with a front element larger than 2 inches will be effectively 'stopped down' rather than its marked 'f-Nº'.

Better to use the clip-in filters that way you can use all your lenses provided they don't penetrate into the mirror box too far and foul the filter...

Not sure but clip-ins I think are cheaper than 2 inch filters?

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I think using a step -down filter attachment on the front of the lens is more economical.

the 2" astro filters are cheaper, available in all sorts of varieties and can also be used with eyepieces in the scope.

The open aperture is around 48mm so it would have to be a pretty "fast" lens to get vignetting?

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