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M81 And M82 trouble.


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M81 looks like a fairly fat elliptical blob, whereas M82 is more elongated (and a bit higher surface brightness in my opinion). If you think of a (much) smaller, fainter M31 you get the idea what to look for. They are within reach of a 15x70, but perhaps not placed optimally at this time of year.

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Like Michael says, getting pretty low, now, although if you live north of New York's latitude, you should still be able to see them. Look to the NE of the top of the "bowl" ( as we call it here in the States.

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They should show up well enough in 10x50 binoculars in a reasonably dark site (no good looking in the next few days as the moon's almost full - let alone the weather!). I would hazard a guess that 15x70's are too high a magnification unless you've got them on a good tripod. Use Stellarium or Cartes du Ciel to get some idea of what the pattern of stars around the galaxies looks like.

I find that M82 is more clearly defined in binoculars than M81, despite being the fainter of the pair, because it's more compact and has higher surface brightness. Go for that one first, then try for M81. Good luck!

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M82/81Viewing with Binos

I've always found you need A: Very dark site or B: rock steady mount as both M81/2 are fuzzies and the very slightest movement will blend the faintness in with the back ground..

Get your bins mounted rock steady and they will be apparent even in basic village light pollution. :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just like to say I also use 15x70 bins and observed M81 and M82 on 21st sept at 4:30am. The moon was just past last quarter but was quite bright. I was using a homemade mirror mount rested on my lap and could see the contrasting shapes of M81/82 clearly. I usually have trouble finding this pair and follow the line from gamma UMa through Alpa UMa and continue through to the objects. this should put me roughly in the right area but sometimes they prove quite elusive.:glasses2:

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