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NGC 7000 widefield (with old camera lens on CCD)


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Seems ages since I posted anything :(

On the odd clear night I have been mucking about with an old 50mm camera lens attached to my Starlight SXV H9 camera. A foam strip glued to the inside of the M42 lens adaptor substitutes for a filter drawer, and this picture is filtered through the Baader 7nm Ha filter.

Hopefully I will get a chance to add Oiii and Sii to this, but I have a new telescope arriving tomorrow so we will see :)

9 x 600 secs at f4

Thanks for looking.



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I have just bought a Pentax lens with longer focal length (135mm) to see how that fares.

I might bring the foam strip adaptor to kelling but we are struggling for room at the moment. It is simply two strips of camera box foam stuck to the inside of the spacing adaptor with double sided tape. The filter is held snugly between the foam pieces. Simple as can be :)

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Wonderful wide field TJ.

if its an old M42 lens you can use these by connecting a macro tube extension onto the lens and thread it straight into the filter wheel :)

on my ATIK 383 it needs a 6mm extension tube.. and away you go..

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