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Mount help really needed


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Hi guys,

I'm still getting used to stargazers lounge so apologies if not in right section, asked before etc.

I currently own a Heritage 130p and really pleased with this is my starter scope. However recently i have decided i would a mount for the slow motion controls. I love the dob mount for ease of use but ideally would like the option to have both.

The problem is i have been told due to where my mount bar is the only mount I could get will be around £200. So it was suggested I buy something like a skymax 90 with the mount and have 2 scopes.

I must stress i know there are better scopes out there with stands like 150p, 200p but I am really limited for space at the moment (hence the heritage purchase).

What I really wanted to know is are there any options of mounts at all for my scope? Or if all are around the £200 range, would it be worth buying the skymax 90?

Sorry for all the text but trying to be detailed, thanks for all the help in advance.


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If you're after an equatorial mount with slo mo controls then you could upgrade to an EQ2 if you got a dovetail and tube rings for the scope - only around £100 new:

First Light Optics - Skywatcher EQ2

It packs down quite small and slim for storage. Or for greater stability you can get an EQ5 or CG5 second hand around the same price (depending on age/condition). But you would have to polar align it cos EQ works differently to a dob mount.

I've not seen slow mo controls for dobs. :)

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Looked at the advertismenst for the scope and it almost looks as it the scope would have some sort of dovetail bar on it to attach to the mount that it comes with.

This dovetail may not be much use with anything else however as I cannot see anything in detail. It would also mean that the dovetail and the eyepiece are fixed and so viewing could be potentaially impossible at some positions.

If you are not a member of the Norwich club then suggest that you consider them as someone may have more direct experience or ideas.

As the cost to upgrade is as much as it seems then I would almost suggest keeping the heritage, saving a bit more and simply getting a bigger scope on an EQ mount. The cost of getting something as a package makes this a better option ultimately.

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The problem with mounting the Heritage 130 on an equatorial mount is the location of the dovetail bar, it would put the eyepiece in a difficult position for viewing. The ideal mount fot this telescope would be an alt-az mount such as the Skywatcher Supatrak or the Skywatcher AZ4. It is possible to modify an EQ mount to work as an alt-az so might want to consider that option.


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Thanks for replys, it does come with a dovetail mounting bar. I was told I probably could not use tube rings due to the flextube design.

I basically just want to be able to have slow mo controls as sometimes the mount can be twitchy when something is in view. Personally I'm not sure what I can do as I have no knowledge of mounts but my local store recommended I brought a new scope with an EQ mount instead of trying to find one for mine.

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I have mounted mine on an AZ3. It's not perfect. The focuser is now on the righthand side of the scope and the position of the finder is... troublesome. The mount isn't really perfect either. Observing objects directly overhead is not too easy.

Due to lack of other options I removed the dovetail and drilled two holes in it so it could be put on the mount.

But tracking is much easier with the slow motion controls than with the Heritage dob 'foot'.

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Hi all thanks for all the help with this one.

What I'm thinking of doing now is buying a Celestron Astromaster 130EQ for £130 new, which seems like a good price and comes with an EQ mount. Plus it only costs the same as an EQ mount on it's own roughly.

Still looking into the scope to make sure it isn't rubbish or anything. Upgrading to something like a 150 or 200p isn't an option at the moment, I'm really stuffed for space for a while.

Once again thanks for all your help.


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