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Registax Question

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Checked out whether I could get an image into Sharpcap in daylight and had success.

So now got an avi to play with in Registax.

I have been watching Dion's planetary tutorial, loaded the avi, but when I come to "mouse over" the image,

( 4.49 into the video) I just get a cross, rather than a selection square.

What am I doing wrong? What setting do I need to get the square?

Remember I'm a complete novice at this, so be gentle:)

I'll probably have a whole heap of other dumb questions:icon_scratch:

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Which version of Registax are you using? There where some changes between verion 5 and version 6 in this department. I see to recall the video is demonstrating Registax version 5.


Registax 6.

I have since heard it is less "user friendly" than R5, but here's the thing. Every website I try and download it from states "webpage not available".

Impressed, I am not:mad:

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I've tried vs. 4,5,and 6 of this software, and so far 6 has been a bit easier to use for me. But all of them take some thinking to get much out of them.

Registax will allow me to stack some images that have not stacked well in DSS at all. The stars may be out of focus, or trailing, and Registax will allow you to pick some index points, and get a useable image as a result.

Not perfect, but OK in some situations. But if you have good light frames, DSS is better.


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