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Stuff to read and learn while I wait for my Atik?


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I've been imaging for about 9 months now and that has all been with my DSLR. So, I'm going to take the CCD plunge soon and order an Atik 314L in the next couple of weeks.

I've been sent the Atik software to have a look around and play with - I'm awaiting the Wodaski book in the post. My CCD knowledge is nothing short of trepidation and brown stained pants :rolleyes: so can anyone point me in the direction to some EASY to understand reading on the net so that I can get the best out of my CCD once it arrives?

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Hi Sara - Are you more interested in the capture side or how to stack / align the mono images to create and RGB / NB set...?

For capture you could do a lot worse than use Artemis Capture - It's a VERY simple GUI, but that doesn't mean to say it's not easy to make a stupid mistake :rolleyes:!). The Atik guides are fairly intuitive and can be found on their website - Manuals for Atik Astronomy Cameras

Processing is another matter entirely - It's really weird capturing black & white images and then seeing them get "magically" converted into RGB! I have a shedload of links (WAY too many!), but if I had to use one, (and exclude all the resources on SGL of course!) I'd probably go for Starizona - Starizona's Guide to CCD Imaging

(Bizarrely, although that link is the main portal, via other web searches I've found other routes back to Starizona which don't appear to have direct links within their website, so I now sometimes even include starizona in new search criteria).

There's obviously plenty of other resources out there though - Another is: Messier objects gallery. M12-M22 | The Big Foto, and another (Jerry Lodriguss): Digital Processing Techniques

But again, closer to home, there's Anna's/Antimorris video's as well as the aforementioned MartinB's tips on here and I also found that Dennis/Roundycat's website has some very useful tips on it too (Mono to RGB)

I think that'll probably do for starters, but you may find yourself tempted to buy some additional software overtime - MaximDL is ENORMOUS, and Nebulosity 2 seems simple too (and has a nice focusing GUI), but don't throw out Artemis to quickly - You can still visually focus with a Bhatinov mask and/or use the FWHM focus aid (which, I have to admit, I find tricky)... and then there's also Registar (which I haven't used / got to grips with yet!) but I would advise before taking ANY such jump that you continue to use DSS for stacking/aligning and your existing PS for post-processing until you begin to feel that you either are, or feel, that you're missing something.

(Hope that helps?)

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Here are a few links for ya, no doubt since you have already been doing DSLR imaging you will know a lot of the info on these, but you can probably find a few new things as well:

Some theory:

Starizona CCD

more details and reading on the 314:

Atik 314L+

I have some processing videos if you use photoshop:

Eprisephoto Video Tutorials

I've got some more on my other computer that will probably be better. I will try to get to that computer later and link them for ya

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@Andy - You know I am going to have loads of newbie type questions for you!!

@Anna - That's really useful - Thanks

@brantuk - Just as well I live in Spain and will probably never make a star party!! If I do though I'll let you know!!

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Off the top of my head I can think of a few things.

1) When setting up the camera, dont route the power and USB cable too closely (will cause interference).

2) In artemis capture always leave the cooling window open. This prevents runaway cooling.

3) At the end of each session, dont forget the "warm up" routine before powering off.

If you want, you can use Maxim to capture. But I still prefer the artemis software :rolleyes:

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3) At the end of each session, dont forget the "warm up" routine before powering off.

I use a timer on the mains power to turn off all the electrics stuff - It all just clicks off at a given time so that the scope / mount doesn't catch on the tripod legs. This was a real issue and this seemed to be the only way to sort it out.

As it stands then, using this the CCD would just lose its power - Is this a problem?

As an aside - How is the Atik powered? Not with one of those awful cigarette lighter thingies?

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Also, in Artemis - make sure you check the little checkbox to save your subs. Otherwise you can be imaging for hours and not have any subs saved (yup it has happened to me, can you tell?!) Its a small box and easy to miss so thought I might mention it.

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Hi Sara,

As an aside - How is the Atik powered? Not with one of those awful cigarette lighter thingies?
I don't know how to put this... but yes, that's what comes in the box (together with a LONG USB cable). However, when I'm in the garden, I use mains power supply and use something like this, together with a 4 port cigar adapter "hub" (which also supplies my dewstrips). Like this one, it can handle 5A before complaining...

Regarding cool down, I must admit I always follow the instructions to switch off cooling (as Uranium noted), but I don't know what difference it actually makes if you were to just switch it off as obviously it'll warm back up to ambient anyway. The manual says:

Note that when cooling is switched off it will return to ambient in a regulated manner, during which time you can not switch it back on. This is to avoid subjecting the CCD to excessive thermal shock.

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'Excessive thermal shock' ............ Hmmmmm, I think there will be enough shock when it sees the awful images I'll produce to start with!!

Have contacted Lee to ask about a mains adaptor - See whether he can get me a EU 2 pin one.

Cheers Anna, I've had a quick look at your vids, they look excellent.

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