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August 25, 2011, 1:00-1:40: Got Comet Garradd at last!

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After a lot of clouds, come more clouds, whatever the promises of the meteorologists. Last night looked dismal, but I waited to see if the breaks in the cloud they promised would materialize, an lo!, they did, at 1 a.m.

I got out the 15x70 bins and swept Sagitta along the predicted path, in particular around a "roof" shaped group of stars just below the "arrow" of Sagitta. No luck. I checked the skies transparency (not great) by picking up M27 (easy, so transparency not that bad).

I then set up the 80 mm on my alt-az converted EQ1 on its hard-wood modified tripod, and got the "roof" in the FOV of the 40mm EP. I then increased the magnification with the 22mm Nagler, and after much fruitless scanning of the predicted path (at least on the chart I found), suddenly spotted a fuzzy blob a bit northwards of the path, near the tip of the "roof". Increasing the magnification further with first the 17mm Nagler and then the 14 mm UWA, I could definitely resolve the object, and occasionally spotted a stubby tail flickering in and out of averted vision. I checked Sky Atlas 2000.0 for any known DSO at this spot, but there were none (at least, none that should be visible in an 80mm).

So, Garradd spotted, my fourth comet to date. I will try to keep track of it (weather allowing). Hopefully I can get it in the C8 as well.

Jupiter was well above the trees now, so I gave it a quick look with first the 14mm, and then the 8 mm. The belts and moons stood out nicely.

Apart from the observations, I am pleased at the performance of the heavily modified tripod. It sets up more quickly than the GP mount, and that is crucial when having to grab fleeting glimpses through breaks in the clouds. It is also much more stable than it was before modification (tripod that is, the mount should be replaced by a better alt-az option).

All in all, a neat little session, giving a much needed relief to feelings of frustration under the clouds.

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