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First outing and eyepiece kit recommendations

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I appologize in advance for the newbie-nature of this post, and the possible duplication of a question that has already been asked 100 times, but I searched the forum and wasn't able to find something that answered my exact question.

I hadn't ever owned a telescope (or even looked through one for that matter) until about a week ago. I found a Meade 4504 w/ goto controls on Craigslist for $50. Everything seemed in order, save for one of the spider vane nuts being rolled up duct tape, so I bought it.

I took it home, finished putting it together (the motors and control had never been installed), turned a new spider vane nut on my lathe, and collimated it to the best of my abilities.

Friday night, I took it out for the first time. I got a hang for finding things manually (used Stelarium as a guide), and figured out the electronic controls. About 0100, I got a good view of Jupiter and decided to check it out. No joke, it was life changing. I had no idea I would be able to see it as well as I could through this cheap scope (with even cheaper eyepieces), but once I got the 4mm EP focused, I could make out several colored bands on a sharply focused disc with three moons in the background. I guess I've always known that Jupiter was there, but there is no substitute for actually seeing it yourself- not that I have to explain that to any of you.

So, I finally pulled myself away when I realized it was almost 0430, woke up a couple hours later, and immediately started shopping for betetr eyepieces over my morning coffee. The scope has got the cheap Meade 0.965" EPs (25, 12.5, 4mm), and I gathered that I would have a lot more options with a 1.25" adaptor in place. It was Saturday morning and I didn't have anything better to do, so I went out and started turning a replacement for my plastic 0.965" EP holder. It's all ready to go, except that I left the stop shoulder long so I could adjust it after I got some 1.25" EPs...which brings me to my dilemma.

The advice that I've gathered regarding most kits is that better EPs can be bought, one at a time, to fill in the ones included with your scope, and eventually replacing those in time. My problem is that, unless I want to switch back and forth between EP holders, I don't have any EPs. I think one of the available kits may be perfect for my needs. I'm basically in a position where I have NO EPs. Would either the Meade 4000, or Celestron EP kits serve me well? Or would I better going with a decent quality zoom EP? What direction would you go if you were in my position?

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Celestron EP kit is as good as any- and much better than the bundled EPs. Only downside is short eye-relief (you jus about have to put your eyeball on the lens) with the 4 and 6mm EPs.

Use the 12 and 9mm with the 2X Barlow for higher mags.

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I confirm the Celestron kit is a good starter, though many on here say the Revelation one is better. The Meade 4000 series are good quality, one on the For Sale on this forum for £150 coincidently, but you need 50 posts to be able to access. However, kits are great to start, that's how I started.

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Here are a couple of threads discussing the Celestron kits that I have been part of.



The first being,like you, my first post on these forums, the second offering feedback from my experience.

I hope they help.


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Perfect. Thank you all for the advice.

I put the same post on another forum and am getting much the same advice, as well as some links to other discussions.

I think I am going to keep looking, though, becuase it looks like I may be able to find a kit that suits me even better.

I was surprised that I was able to get as good a view as I did through my cheapie 4mm, and I'm sure that any EP will be a step up from what I have. That said, it also looks like the concensus is that the 4 or 6mm EPs that come with the Celstron kit are really difficult to use and have a very short ER. I'm thinking I may try to find a kit with fewer EPs - 3 or 4 in the 40mm - 10mm range, and spring for a better quality seperate 4, 5 or 6mm.

I'm too new into this to know exactly where my interest will lie, but my immediate desires are to eek out the best views I can of Jupiter and Saturn through my scope, and have a couple decent quality EPs in the lower power ranges for learning the locations of the stars.

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As has been said earlier, the trick with shorter eye-relief is to use a longer focal length and then Barlow it. The Celestron kit comes with a great Barlow and the 32mm ep is a fantatic ep, Barlowed it's also great.

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Regarding the EPs in the Celestron kit, please check the contents as there seems to be two variants. Kits containing 4mm and 6mm being older/2nd-hand stock while the newer kits contain 32, 17, 13, 8, 6 & 2x Barlow.


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Hi I recently had the same dilema returning to the hobby after 20 yrs. I started with second hand eyepieces, 4000 plossl meade. They can be picked up for £15-£18 on e bay and stripping and cleaning if careful is easy. ( new telescope house have them at £30 each) the 15mm is very good as is the 26mm I agree with above and barlow for higher mags. The 9.7mm is ok while at 6.4mm the relief is tight. As a final note picked up a skywatcher delux barlow that was recommended in the sky at night for £7 on ebay and its great.

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I'm in a similar dilemma, to either buy a kit r buy higher end pieces one at a time. The GSO Revelation gets positive reviews, the cost of a whole set is absurdly cheap, so I think I may go for that when the time comes. As it is, right now I am still learning so I am not spending a penny right now on EPs

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