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Star Hops I can Teach the Kids

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I'm looking for star hops I can teach my kids, friends and family to encourage them to find their way around the stars and constellations with the naked eye.

Preferably 'story' based hops a long the lines of 'Arc to Arcturus, Spike to Spica' as this kind of thing sticks in the memory.

Can anyone recommend a book or website with this kind of thing or just let me know what your favourites are?

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Thanks Luke. The pointers are the first thing I'll show anyone who expresses an interest! The story element behind the hops isn't too important as long as it's a clear hop (like the Orion one) - I can make a line or two up. Like those graphics you screen grabbed, just off to check that website out :rolleyes:

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I think the ancient Greeks made up stories about the constellations (or was it the ancient Egyptians). Stuff like a hunter that was after a dog that chased a hare. Pegasus has got a load of story stuff about winged horses, Cassiopiea was a queen of some sort, Castor and Pollux were twins, etc, etc.

I'd suggest looking up stuff like that - it'll be more accurate than my feeble memory can recall lol :rolleyes:

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A great reference for star hopping and all the related Greek, Arabic or Roman Myths is the book "Star Hopping Your visa to viewing the Universe" by Robert Garfinkle. ISBN 0-521-51590-X.

This book goes through everything you need to know from the legends regarding individual constellations to the objects within, and detail instructions on how to find them.

All the techniques you will need to guide you in the use of Bins or a scope to find any object you desire are within this book.

I highly recommend it as there is something in it for all levels of visual astronomy.

Regards Steve

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