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Jupiter through my eyes


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I have many a time tried to see Jupiter through my scope, but to no avail, it is so bright I can only see a a sphere with a bright glow. I do not own any filters as to be honest I do not know which would be the best for me, I would say I live in a low light area but within a city.

All images taken with my Canon 450d and a Tamron 55-200m telephoto zoom/macro lens

1st image; Well this was my view of Jupiter taken at normal focul range

2nd image; I used Live-view which allowed myself to zoom in x10, 2nd image Which I may add blew my mind as I didn't expect to see the Moons of Jupiter.

The 3rd image has been cropped no PS help as I do not fully understand how to use it correctly.




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I have many a time tried to see Jupiter through my scope, but to no avail, it is so bright I can only see a a sphere with a bright glow. I do not own any filters as to be honest I do not know which would be the best for me, I would say I live in a low light area but within a city.

Is the scope collimated correctly. You should be able to easily make out surface detail in the 150p.

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You should be able to see jupiter and the banding on your scope (if well collimated) with ease. I had a 150P for my first scope with a 10mm and 25mm ep. The 25mm made it very small - the 10mm with barlow made it visible but too grainy and faint. With a better eyepiece though it came up crystal on a clear night, and just looked beautifull moons and all.

My 8mm Hyperion did the job - amazing difference - about £60-£65 second hand in good nick. I also understand the TMB's are a good step up in quality and around £40 new but I don't have one. :)

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Hello everyone, and thank you for your replies. I have to apologise though, when I said I was unable to see Jupiter through my 150p Newt, I should have added "due to neighbours" cast of Shameless springs to mind, enough said. It is collimated ok just fear prevents me from showing. Brantuk! what would the viewing experience be for me if I was to get a 8mm Hyperion??? and how would I know if it was in good nick??? Thank you all for your time and patience and outstanding help

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Hello Spaceboy, well it is only down to the neighboursthat I don't take my scope out into the garden now, they've just moved in and not the type you wish to advertise things to. I am not a snob I just work hard for what I get. I also get paranoid about the sound of the shutter on the Canon, we don't get any sound at night around here. The pic's I took of Jupiter where actually taken inside my house, with the back door ajar.

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