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BBC Horizon Seeing Stars - TEST!


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A relatively more informative Horizon last night about the latest "non-trad" telescopes and their targets, without all the ooh-ahh wonderment and mystic music histrionics.

Anyway, they didn't mention at the end that I'm to be the ersatz Mr Paxman for the SGL University Challenge Test!

So, fingers on the buzzers - or buttons. :D

During the time-lapse sequences at the VLT telescope in the Atacama we saw regions of the sky move across the frame.

What were the constellations seen?

What were the larger and smaller galaxy type objects seen at left of frame?

What was the large bright star seen to mid-right of frame?

No prizes alas, perhaps some virtual brownie points. :)

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ok, right about the Magellanic Clouds. I'm answering my 3rd q after some checking in my planetarium app. I had recorded the show, so looking again at the one sequence with the bright "star" appearing on the edge of the Milky Way, I reckon that was Venus.

Doing a fast time run on the software with its POV in Chile and scaled to compare with the tv I can see the stars of Crux, and further up the band, Hadar and Kent. There is no obvious large star or other object further up but the planets appear at the junction of Sagittarius and Scutum about the right distance from the Clouds. Knowing that the show would have been filmed earlier in the year I see Venus appearing about the right place end February-start March.

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I think I remember seeing the LMC and SMC in the timelapse shots of the VLT.

LMC, SMC, VLT?? Sorry. Any more acronyms in a post would definitely be OTT.

If you were visiting at a meal time you'd have to ask for a BLT, wouldn't you?


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