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tv delos


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hi there

has anyone out there got one of the tele vue delos eyepieces?

if so how are you getting on with it and whats the performance like?

i,ve been looking at them on a couple of websites and i,m trying to figure out if there worth the outlay against other less exspensive eyepieces


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I also looked at them but like yourself couldn't make up my mind.

One thing I will say is that on CN they asked what your least favourite TV eyepiece was. What I read implied that a lot of people didn't rate the Radian. The Delos seems to be in the same price range as the Radians.

At this time there are only 2 Delos eyepieces in the range. If they made more I would look again.

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I don't know if they are available yet.

I was looking at the 10mm for lunar observing as it fills the gap between my 13mm and 8mm LVWs and would give me a nice x235. I would want to see a review first though.

Having used a Radian I don't rate them either. Eye positioning, like the T6 Nagler, is critical. Once you've gotten used to the comfort of a LVW it's difficult to accept such flaws.

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The Delos are a "budget" version of the Ethos really. Supposed to be as good as the Ethos optically but just with a smaller FOV. I think a lot of people who haven't used an Ethos don't realise that it's the optical performance that makes them great eyepieces, not the FOV.

Be interesting to see a proper head to head between the Ethos and Delos.


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Agreed Delos are more, but best I can find Radians is £175-180 and Delos are £265. But I did say "range" not the same price.

TH seem cheapest for Radians, GW advertise Delos at £265.

GW have their Radians at £183, SCS have their Radians at £200 +p&p.

Price difference seems around £80, which (to me) means the top and bottom of a price band owing to the possible extra quality. Ethos are outside of anything I would consider paying. Not sure I would consider £265 for the Delos but after the comments on Radians I would not consider them at ~£180.

So I now need to consider something else for the high magnifications I was hoping for on a couple of the scopes.

Might see if someone has a Radian I can try as I suppose I may not find them a problem.

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Agreed Delos are more, but best I can find Radians is £175-180 and Delos are £265. But I did say "range" not the same price.

Sorry! I didn't realize Radians had become so pricey. Even so with Naglers at £215-£225 I would have considered these more in the price "range" of Delos. :smiley:

I don't think Radians are worth £180. A very warm tone to the views, Heavy and only 60' FOV for £180 there are much better alternatives out there.

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ok i,ve got an ethos 3.7mm,but to be honest its my least used eyepeice.

i thought the delos would be a better option,

No wonder you never get to use it. Seeing conditions have to be PERFECT for the kinds of magnification a 3.7mm would offer. The delos 6 or 10mm would get a great deal more use, that is if the skies were ever clear :smiley:

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