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Back from the Desert


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Hello SGL,

I have returned from an awesome vacation in the Tubac foothills below Tucson, Arizona. I forgot how amazing a truly dark sky can be. I couldnt take my telescope equipment with me but I got some cool photos. One is of the Milky Way over Nogales, Mexico. The next is me and my girlfriend under a Gamma Ray Telescope at Whipple Observatory. The lightning was amazing, so I had to get a shot of it. Without cable or internet for two weeks, its nice to start posting again.:smiley:






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Thanks for the compliments Slip and Imp! I have never seen lightning like I did there, the storm lasted for 3 hours and was producing bolts every few seconds. They did strike the ground quite a bit. The view was so vast that you could watch multiple storms at once, which produced amazing storms. That particular photo was just below the mountain where Whipple Observatory is, I felt bad for the scientists working up there.

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Stunning shots, looks close too, also looks like "war of the worlds" i`d be in awe as i ran away :)

My partner and i keep talking about going somewhere completely dark. Somehow the damn house wins everytime! It can fall apart this year.. i care not :smiley:

great pics, you posting more?


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Here are some more pics, First is another lightning shot in the same area. The next two is the mountain where Whipple Observatory is (much bigger in person). The cows were always outside when we woke up. Got a cool rainbow after a storm. Sunset was always nice.







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Hey Johnny, great pics!! Sounds like a awesome trip - did you fly/drive, put it together yourself? The wife & I love the states, been many times, our favourite place being NYC, is that your hometown? Stayed in the Big Apple 3 times now - once pre 9/11 & twice since, just a great place!! :smiley::)

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Hey Scotty,

I flew out to Arizona. I did the drive once, it was scenic but being in a car for 3 days wore me out. My father lives there so it always gives me an excuse to go. I live about an hour north of NYC, I go a few times a year. I enjoy living in the woods with dark skies. I couldnt live in NYC, but there is a phenomenal about of things to do there. The museums are spectacular and Broadway has great shows. The food is awesome as well.

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Hey Scotty,

I flew out to Arizona. I did the drive once, it was scenic but being in a car for 3 days wore me out. My father lives there so it always gives me an excuse to go. I live about an hour north of NYC, I go a few times a year. I enjoy living in the woods with dark skies. I couldnt live in NYC, but there is a phenomenal about of things to do there. The museums are spectacular and Broadway has great shows. The food is awesome as well.

Agreed!! We couldn't live there but love it for 4 or 5 days at a time!

Last time we were there was Oct. '09 - got to see James Gandolfini with Jeff Daniels in 'God of Carnage' which was very funny & also saw The Boss close down the old Giants Staduim across the river in East Rutherford :) good times.

So many places I'd love to visit over there in the States if only I had the time and money.....:smiley:

I have driven over there but it's such a vast Country that it is a very tiring way of getting about :evil6:

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